A 45 year old female with acute gastroenteritis

This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.

This E blog also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of " patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan.

Chief complaints:

A 45 year old female came to casuality with chief complaints of :

fever since 4 days , 

vomitings since 4 days ,

pain abdomen since 4 days 


Patient was apparently asymptomatic 3 years back ,then she had pain in both her knees and she observed swelling in both her lower limbs ,initially the pain reduced on taking medications.                     

1 month 1week back she had right tibial fracture (cause of fracture: slipped from staircase) at around 2 pm in the noon 

     On the day of fall: initially patient didn’t complain of any pain or swelling in the legs , but patient heard a sound at the time of fall and she was unable to walk .

Following which she observed edema in her right leg which is apparently more when compared to the edema she had earlier.

       patient went to local rmp on the same day,X-ray was taken and they were informed about the fracture and the need for the surgery .

       Later on the same day of fall they consulted another private hospital and the surgery was planned.Two days after the fall  pt underwent surgery  for Right sided fracture of tibia   and advised to take complete bed rest for 2months .

On the day of surgery:she had severe pain and swelling in the operated leg (right ) ,the pain subsided after taking medication.

Next day after surgery: she was discharged .

Follow up :  Weekly once for two weeks after surgery .

Since 4 days she’s having fever which is low grade and associated with chills,

Patient had vomitings since 4 days -she had 5-6 episodes per day which is non bilious,non projectile,food as content 

Patient also complaints of abdominal pain  since 4 days ,pain is diffused all over the abdomen .

Patient has SOB intermittently since one month .

Past history:

She is a known case of DM since 2 months on metformin(500 mg)

Not a known case of HTN,TB,Epilepsy 

Personal History:


Appetite: decreased

Sleep: adequate 

Bowel and bladder movements: regular 


General examination:

Patient is conscious,coherent and cooperative and well oriented to time place and person.

No pallor,icterus,cyanosis,clubbing

Bilateral pedal edema 

White patches are seen over the tongue 

Vitals : 

Temperature: afebrile 

BP: 100/80

PR: 74 bpm

RR:16 cycles per min 


S1, S2 heard , No murmurs 


Position of trachea: central 

Normal vesicular breath sounds heard 


Abdomen is soft and there is mild diffuse tenderness 

Bowel sounds heard. 


Patient is Conscious ,oriented to time,place and person 

HMF -intact 

Motor & sensory system: normal 

Reflexes: present 

Cranial nerves: intact 

No meningeal signs 




Serum creatinine:1.9 mg/dL

Blood urea:52 mg/dL

Serum electrolytes :

   Na-135 mEq/L

   K-3.8 mEq/L

   Cl-99 mEq/L


    Total bilirubin -5.46

     Direct bilirubin -2.09

     SGOT-23 IU/L

     SGPT-15 IU/L

     Alkaline phosphate-229

    Total proteins-42


LDH: 224

Reticulocyte count:0.7

ESR: 80


Ultra sound report:

Colour Doppler 2D echo:

Orthopedic referral:                   


Clinical images :

Right and left lower limbs:

White patches over  tongue (candidiasis?)

Exposed surgical site:

Abdomen of patient:( in anteroposterior and lateral views)



Acute gastroenteritis with DM-II    


Infected right ILMN tibia with loosening of implant.


IV NS -100 mL/hr 

Inj.Pantop-40mg IV/OD

Tab.PCM-650 mg PO/SOS

Inj.Zofer 4mg IV/TID

Inj.HAI according to sliding scale 

Tab.Fluconazole 150 mg PO/OD

Candid mouth paste

Tab.Orofer -XT PO/BD


Inj.Monocef 1gm IV/BD

Inj.Clexane 40 mg S/C OD 


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