A 50 year old male patient with swelling over legs and fever.

This is online E log book to discuss our patient’s de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian’s signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient’s problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs.This e-log book also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on comment box is welcome .


I’ve been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of “patient clinical data analysis “ to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history,clinical findings,investigations, and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan. 


A 50 year old male patient with swelling over legs, a/w fever and hiccups since 5 days , came for his Dialysis session .
C/c : 
patient complaints of pedal edema since 4months,
Fever which is associated with chills since 5days 
Hiccups since 5 days 


  • Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 year back then he noticed swelling over his legs for 10 days ,he went to a local hospital where he was diagnosed with renal failure and he was adviced to get his further treatment in hyderabad .
  •  He went to a hospital in Hyderabad where he was diagnosed as AKI on CKD and treatment was given for 10 days with 3 dialysis sessions and further medication was given .
  • Pedal edema was subsided for the next 6months.after which he presented to our hospital with  pedal edema,Diarrhea ,fever and he was diagnosed with AKI on CKD secondary to Acute gastroenteritis ,dialysis was done (3 sessions) after which he failed to followup for further treatment and he presented to our hospital again after 4months with vomitings,fever,pedal edema ,from then he’s on a regular followup and he’s on maintenance hemodialysis.

Now he complaints of fever spike at nights (around 12 am ) and it is associated with chills, headache since 5 days 

He also complaints of hiccups since 5 days.

And also complaints of burning sensation in his eyes .

Past history:

He is a known case of DM and HTN since 2 years 

Personal history:

Diet:veg,appetite : decreased ,bowel and bladder movements:regular, sleep: adequate


  Alcoholic since 30 years daily 180mL

  Smoker since 10-15 years (2-3 chutta/day)

Abstinence since 1 year .

General examination:

Patient is conscious, coherent and cooperative and well oreinted to time place and person

He is poorly built and poorly  nourished 

Pallor : present 


Cyanosis: absent

Clubbing: absent

Lymphadenopathy: absent


        Temp:afebrile(at the time of examination,but patient complained of fever since five days ,which is more during night)

 PR : 82bpm   ,RR: 17 cycles/min     ,BP:130/80 mm of Hg



 •CVS - S1,S2 heard no murmers 

•Respiratory system- vesicular breath sounds heard

•PA- soft,not tender

•CNS- intact

First visit to our hospital :

          Patient presented to our hospital (on 27-02-2021 )with chief complaints of :

                       -pedal edema since 10 days , 

                       -Diarrhea :watery (4-5 episodes ,not associated with pus or blood)

                       -associated with high grade fever(since 3 days) .

                        -h/o involuntary micturtion 


Patient was diagnosed as AKI on CKD secondary to acute gastroenteritis.

4 sessions of hemodialysis was done and adviced for further follow-up .

Second visit (10th Aug’,21) and subsequent follow-up:

Patient didn’t followup after his last hemodialysis session in our hospital and he presented to us after about 4 months 

With complaints of :

                       -pedal edema since 4 months

                       -SOB since 5 days

                       -H/o vomitings(10episodes),fever since 3 days 

                       -hiccups since 3 days

                       -decreased urinary output  since 3 days 


Investigations :

(10th Aug,2021)

     HbA1c: 6.6%

     Serum creatinine: 9.3 mg/dL

     Blood urea: 169 mg/dL

     RBS : 175 mg/dL



Serum electrolytes:

Ultrasound report:

HBsAg,HIV,HCV : negative 

SARS cov2: negative 



Serum iron :

Blood grouping and Rh type : AB +ve

Hemogram:(on 14th aug,2021)

RFT(14th aug,2021):

Diagnosis : CKD on MHD 
                  a/w HTN and DM 

Treatment :
Inj Lasix 40mg IV/BD
Tab.Nodosis 500 mg PO/BD
Tab.Orofer XT PO/BD
Tab.Shelcal po/OD
Inj.Erythropoietin 4000 IU/ s/c weekly twice 
Inj.HAI s/c
Tab.PCM 650 mg/po/TID

On MHD ,(on regular follow up )







What is the reason for his persistent hiccups?


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